A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

How to play

Download the folder for your platform.

You can extract the file using the tar command in the command line.

For linux you will have to install glew and glfw to make it work

tar -zxvf <platform>.tar.gz


W/A/S/D | Arrow Keys

Note: the snake loops when it goes to the sides of the board instead of dying


This game is about surviving as much as you can. It is the classic snake game but with some tweaks. When you eat a fruit a "random" effect is applied.


Speed Up / Slow Down

Enable / Disable Walls

Enable / Disable Drill (the snake turns orange and you can break walls)

I said "random" because every round is deterministic if you make the same turns in the same moments (to avoid randomness while creating a seamingly random experience).


- Built using my own framework in ANSI C, GLFW and GLEW.

- Mainly tested on Linux but it should work as well on windows.

- My framework doesn´t yet have any text functionality so your score is displayed in the spawned


linux.tar.gz 127 kB
windows.tar.gz 366 kB

Install instructions

Download and extract the file for your platform


by ZenitDS · 2 posts
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